Exchanges and Returns Policy


Our exchanges and returns policy lasts 90 days. Once 90 days have passed you may wish exchange your current leased art. Email or call to discuss an exchange.

To be eligible for an exchange, your item must be on display for 90 days and be in the same condition when you received it. If original packaging was a part of the delivery, please ensure it is available for the exchange.

Email, or call (530) 624-4300


Once your exchange has been inspected and either delivered, picked up or exchanged on site with new Art, we will send you a exchange email updating your lease agreement to reflect the new Art. If there is an increased cost, based on an exchange to larger Art, your credit card will be charged the new price and term.

Shipping returns

If your Art was initially shipped, not delivered, and an exchange is requested, contact to begin the exchange of your current Art. You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning or exchanging the Art. Shipping costs are non-refundable. Upon receipt of returned or exchange Art, a confirmation email will be sent. If you are returning more expensive items, you must use a trackable shipping service and purchase shipping insurance. Call (530) 624-4330 or send an email to for the shipping insurance amount.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to exchanges and returns.

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